Sunday, June 26, 2011

AJAXify phpMyAdmin Interface - GSOC 2011 - Fifth week

Since I could not finish my fourth weeks second task which is "Ajaxify the multi row export in table browse" last week, I continued working with it in this week.
I used the sql.js file for handling the actions related to export and then the sql.php file. For this task I tried to reuse the toggle_quick_or_custom(); function. I used two actions for this task which are
  1. $("#resultsForm.ajax .mult_submit[value=export]").live('click') which pop ups the "Export" dialog box containing the "dump" form for export
  2. $("#buttonGo.ajax").live('click') which post the export data to export.php file.
Even though I worked with this task still there are some bugs with that option and I'll continue with that in the next week also.
Even tough my "Ajaxify Table-> Browse->Multiple rows->Export" option is not yet finished, since my this weeks task is "Ajaxify Table->Structure->Multiple rows->Change", I worked with it.
In this I tried to reuse the "if($("input[type='hidden'][name='table_type']").val() == "table")" code segment and place it in "displayMoreTableOpts()" fucntion in function.js.

I used the tbl_structure.js for handling the change event and in that I used two actions which are
  1. "$("#fieldsForm.ajax .mult_submit[value=change]").live('click')" action to pop up the change dialog which contains the "#apend_field_form".
  2. "$("#append_fields_form input[name=do_save_data].ajax").live('click')" action to handle the save option for save the changes.
There small modifications which should done for this option, so I need to continue with this option in the next week.

My sixth week tasks are "Ajaxify edit index and show/hide index in table structure", so I'll work with those options in next week.

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